Cub Scout Indoor Challenge 2010

8 teams of Cub scouts took on the challenge of making a self propelled vehicle which would transport an egg safely. They were provided with cardboard, wooden and plastic “wheels”, dowelling and various wooden shapes, card, paper, balloons, elastic bands, glue, sellotape, plasticine and several other craft items.
They were also supplied with instructions on how to power a vehicle by balloon, and rubber band power. Unfortunately even with these instructions, and assistance from an Explorer Scout and leaders, it has to be reported that no vehicle travelled on a flat surface unaided. Once a ramp was added there was some success, but unfortunately some eggs were harmed in the process!
Although the challenge was roughly along the lines of the “great egg race”, judging was not only on achievement, it was also on teamwork and general behaviour. The winning team this year were from 2nd Guildford, but as usual it was difficult to choose the winner, as all teams tried their best to succeed.
Congratulations have to go not only to the winning team, but also to all those who took part.