Cub Scout Handicraft Competition 2009

On a very wet and windy Saturday eight teams of Cub scouts worked very hard to make a zoetrope and a paper rocket.
Paper rockets; easy, do that in a few minutes….wrong! These rockets had full cutting out and folding instructions, not only for the rocket but the bellows to fire them (it was said in the instructions up to 5 metres). Our valiant Cub Scouts managed a metre maximum, but went away with ideas on how to improve on that.
The zoetrope was slightly less challenging, except of course they had to design their own set of sequenced drawings. Animation, was they thought quite an easy task, until they actually attempted it. But after a few mishaps of figures upside down, and glueing bits in the wrong place, they all managed to create a ‘moving picture’ show.
The concentration and effort were noticeable, and half time refreshments were very welcome, not only for the Cub Scouts but also the leaders, who were also trying to follow the instructions! The judging was very difficult, as all the Cub Scouts showed excellent teamwork, and skill, but winners there had to be, and for the 2nd year running it was 2nd Guildford in 1st place, with this year’s runners up being 1st Normandy.
Congratulations not only to those 2 teams, but also to all those who took part.