Guildford West Explorer Scout Chosen as Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet for 2013

Congratulations to Romy of 1st Normandy Explorers for being chosen as one of the Lord Lieutenant of Surrey’s Cadets for 2013. Dame Sarah Goad, the Lord Lieutenant, invited Surrey Scouts (of which she is President) to nominate an Explorer Scout as non-military Cadet, and Romy was selected as one of these.
All their duties will be in full uniform and the expectation that they will be exceptionally smart as they will be at the forefront of royal and other events. They wear the sash and badge of the Lord Lieutenants Cadet during their year in office. During an event or visit the role of the Cadet is normally to stay close to the Lord Lieutenant and assist wherever possible. At other times they will be expected to mingle with guests whilst remaining alert to what is going on and being ready to help.
The District are very happy that Romy has been chosen to represent not only Surrey, but Guildford West Scouts.